june, 2019

20junallday23CI Workshop in WarsawIndependence & connectedness

Event Details

Independence & connectedness

I wish to have two essential poles of our CI practice more alive and available: the committed weight sharing duet that builds up physical & emotional trust for subtleties & risk taking. And on the other side the selfsuffiency of soloing as a base to connect, to disengage from others, to play with space, time and the whole group, to surprise oneself and bringing varous spices into the dance.

Hands on work and very juicy, moving body work explorations will lead us into our contact bodies, nurturing trust and depth in the co-physicality, and make us reach out to the edges of our comfort zone.

To feed the solo as a base for our improvisational journeys, I want to find somatically grounded ways to play with space and timing. Wonderinhg how to switch between different mental states that make us feel alive – individually and as a whole group together.

And we will dance a lot!

Participants should feel familiar within the field of Contact Improvisation to participate in this workshop.

Joerg Hassmann,
dances, explores and teaches Contact Improvisation for more than 25 years; Artistic Director of the Contact Festival „Contact meets Contemporary“ Goettigen/ Germany; developed a systematic approach to CI-specific technique together with Daniel Werner, which they share in their training programs in Berlin and across Europe; anatomy based studies, contemporary dance, ideas from BMC (Body Mind Centering), Capoeira and a playful attitude in his explorations are his main influences.

Warsaw Dance Departament
Palace of Culture and Science
Plac Defilad 1
Warsaw, Poland

June 20-23
Thu 11-18
Fri 13:30-21
Sat 11-18
Sun 10:30-17:30

How much?
525PLN (125EUR) if you register before May 10th
575PLN (140EUR) if you register after May 10th

Questions & registration: Natalia Oniśk <[email protected]>

FB-Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/990281044695524/


june 20 (Thursday) - 23 (Sunday)